Monday, June 28, 2010

Applaud Him...


This man Chris Brown went the fuck off APPLAUD HIM!!!! There's no denying that this was the best performance of the night as well as the best MJ tribute hands down; this shit was long overdue. I always remained a fan of Breezy's even after all the trials and tribulations he faced and this goes to show that my support wasn't in vain; maybe now critics can stop riding his dick about that bullshit and respect him for the talented artist and survivor that he is. It takes incredible strength to go through what Chris did and still overcome and remain sane, many of us can not say the same. The first chance of adversities many would give up and drink or drug themselves into oblivion, temporarily removing the pain but permanently damaging their lives. Chris is a fighter and sincerely realizes the mistakes he's made and its about time we forgive him & understand that we're all human and NONE is short of sin.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Skype or DIE

Skype has the potential to get annoying fast. Im tired of sleeping in my bed and being woken up by a ringing computer, especially by a person that i dont wanna see in person let alone on camera. Like wtf its 9am, can i brush my teeth and wipe the crust out of my eyes before your blowing my computer up. There are times when i barely even sign on and niggaz are already hitting my shit up like damn are you skype stalking me now, got special alerts and shit when i sign on or something. If your that pressed for skype, there are 20,627,448 other ppl signed on, go bug them & leave me the hell alone sheesh. And what makes niggaz think i wanna video chat with them in the first place, i barely know you yo, chill out. Skype should be reserved for ppl you know intimately and not for random muthafuckaz u meet off tinychat. Talking on the phone to someone you barely know is boring as shit in its own so now your gonna add video to that and make it extra lame. Now you can see when the person is not interested and clearly preoccupied with other shit smh i cant, then niggaz wanna just sit silent and just stare at each other thefuck? I refuse, thats why when i log onto skype i make sure im invisible this way i can see niggaz but they cant see me and if i wanna video chat or whatever with someone i can do it on my terms and with someone i actually like. Besides skype is a big ass hassle. Most of the times when im in my crib im dressed comfortably with my hair wrapped up and i dont got time to be getting dressed and unwrapping my hair for skype calls, that shit is tiresome and extra.

Skype dry snitches like shit too. As soon as you sign on niggaz know...change your status, they know....been idle for more than 5mins, they know...your last login, they know...if you deny a call, they know...take a shit, they know...damn this shit is like an ankle monitor, clocking all your moves. Skype lets niggaz kno what song your listening to on itunes so u cant even play it off like i didnt see their call bc clearly u were on the computer. And dont get me on the screenshots smh getting caught in compromising positions on skype is not the business, skype is just all bad. I say if you dont trust the person with your life dont be on skype with them, PERIOD! Skype doesnt allow you to multitask efficiently either, besides thats just rude, well if your like me you really dont care but whats the point of being on skype if your not gonna give the person your undivided? You cant even sneak and be on skype or say your someplace else when your not bc its video smh all this stuff makes me anti-skype. And if there is not a special, private place where you can go to get on skype, its not for you. The worst thing that can happen is ur on skype with ur main jawn and ur side jawn comes barging in bedroom, fresh outta the shower ready for sum action smh all bad. Now how the hell are u gonna get yourself out of that situation? You cant. Skype is like an adulteresses worst nightmare, blackmail all kinds of shit, just messy.

I like skype on my terms and when im not being pressured into answering a damn computer just bc. With that being said, i dont promote stalking & skype is not aim or bbm so dont bother asking me for mines...the end.

no shade...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wild BansheeS of the Day!


The Backdoor Boogie!

"The backdoor boogie" aka ANAL SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heres my thing, if your into that kind of stuff, cool, just keep ur booty escapades to yourself, and if your a guy dont get mad when i comment on how your gay - it just is what it is. An asshole has no face or shall i say cant be distinguished from person to person, meaning - you cant tell the difference between a male asshole and a female's. Now for some of you that want to argue me down about this, i have one thing to say: YOUR GAY come out of the closet immediately. Plz dont hide behind the fact that its a female your fucking in the ass bc it can just as easily be a guy. I have one motto, if you can fuck a girl in the ass, you can fuck a guy in the ass as well, u just haven't been intoxicated enough.

I am by no means a fan or a participant of anal sex; just envisioning the pain involved makes me cringe and tease up my ass. There are times when im having sex and his penis accidentally slips out and travels a lil south and pokes my ass a little bit and i scream out in agony; i want no parts. I just don't understand the pleasure in that for a female. I can understand the pleasure for a guy considering that their "g-spot" is located in their rectum but it baffles me how females can find anal sex enjoyable let alone bearable.

This chick i USE to be cool with use to tell me all the time how much she LOVES anal sex like i gave a flying fuck, that shit disgusted me. She loved it so much so that she rather have ass sex than regular sex WAITWHAT? If a guy wouldnt fuck her in the ass she didnt want no parts of him. THATS INSANE! #1 her ass has to be raw & loose as hell, it wouldn't surprise me if she accidentally shitted on herself every now and again. #2 what guy is actually ok with these conditions?? A CLOSET FAG my point exactly. Any man who calls themselves' "straight"would NEVER agree to these terms & if he wud he's a butt cruncher and he prolly does it on the regular with dudes. If i was a guy there is NO WAY i wud pass up pussy for a shitty ass asshole (NO RAINBOW). Fuck all that kinky freaky shit, this is straight up NASTY & idgaf if i offend you, YOUR NASTY, get over it.

As a straight man you should not ask me to lick your asshole or insert anything into your asshole. NO ANAL BEEDS...DILDOS...FINGERS...TONGUES....NOTHING! i will embarrass you and make you wish you were never born. I am absolutely terrified of encountering down low brothers and all this shit just adds to my paranoia. If you even mention the word "asshole" with a hint of sexual desire i will spazz on that ass. And i watch out for niggaz who are a lil too fascinated with my asshole as well. A lil lick or a finger here and there is cool HOWEVER if all you want to do is toss my salad night after night and your getting off on this, there's a problem, you secretly like ass and probably need to straighten some things out. I test guys out sometimes, i might run my finger across his ass to see how he reacts. If he jumps up and creates a whole scene about it he's being extra as hell and could be hiding something. If he doesnt react or reacts with a soft moan, he's use to this shit and is GAY, i dont believe in men being bi-sexual or experimenting, nigga your GAY, plain and simple. But if he plays it cool, and pushes your hand away and says something like "stop playing" then he's good or a good ass actor, either way he passes the test.

I love gay men to def, especially the flammin ones but that stops when it comes to dating. I want a REAL MAN, that likes female body parts, not a trade (down low brother) thats fascinated with sticking his penis in my asshole, stretching it out of shape and causing internal bleeding and shit NO WAY NO HOW find another donkey to fuck..

no shade...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Condom that Bites Back!


"A South African doctor has created a female condom that puts teeth in the fight against rape. Literally. The anti-rape condom, called "Rape-aXe," features rows of jagged hooks designed to attach to a man's penis during penetration. Once attached, the condom can only be removed by a doctor - hopefully when authorities can arrest him, Dr. Sonnet Ehlers, the condom's designer, told CNN. "It hurts, he cannot pee and walk when it's on," she said. "If he tries to remove it, it will clasp even tighter... however, it doesn't break the skin, and there's no danger of fluid exposure." Ehlers said she sold her house and car to launch the project, and she planned to supervise the distribution of 30,000 free devices in cities hosting the World Cup soccer matches. After the trial period, they'll be available for about $2 apiece, according to CNN." - CBS
This device can definitely be used in more enjoyable cases. Say for instance you catch your man cheating and want to get a lil get back. All you have to do is insert this condom into your vagina and seduce that whack ass nigga. He'll be so anxious to get his dick wet that he wont even realize shit until its too late and something is gnawing on his penis hahaha bet he's wishing he never fucked with you lmaoooo talk about snap back. This is like a GIANT step for feminism. Niggaz gone be scared to stick their dick in anything in fear that their ass is gonna get trapped LITERALLY! I can see it now, for $2 all your dick problems will vanish *evil laugh* i need to figure out how i can get my hands on one of these.

no shade...

The Hairless Banshee!

What it you found out the guy you were dealing with shaved his bikini line? Matter of fact, he shaved his entire pubic area? And im not talking about a lil trim here and there to get the bush to a minimum, im talking about FULL BLOWN no hair at all, bald as a baby's bottom. WTF wud you do?

I was over this guy's house one day during the winter. I've known this guy since 2005 & we're pretty cool. Anyway i went to use the bathroom and me being the inquisitive person that i am just did a little looking around aka snooping (lol). I open up one of his cabinets and all this shit came tumbling down which scared the shit out of me. I paused for a second, making sure he didn't hear me then i started picking everything up to put it back in its rightful place. As im putting these items back, i run across a bottle of Nair, and another, and another. Im like WHOA some chick is really trying to make her presence known. Then i run across about 5 different sized razors, sum shaving creaming, & hydrocortisone cream. Immediately im like this chick shaves alot but i really didnt think much of it. I finished up in the bathroom & then joined him back in the living room. Being the upfront person that i am i asked him who's shit that was. He asked what was i talking about and i quickly made up a lil fib about me looking for a band-aid when i opened up the cabinet and all this shit came tumbling down on my head, the Nair being one of those items. To my surprise and as nonchalant as humanly possible he responded with "they're mine" O________o.........

Hold dont understand, i stared at him with the blankest look waiting for him to tell me he was just playing but that never happened. I wanted to high tail my yellow ass outta there so fast, it wasnt funny but i remained cool, calm, & collected just to get sum type of explanation that wud somehow make me feel a lil bit better about the situation but that never happened either. He went on about his business like he just didn't reveal to me that he uses Nair - a hair removal product for females. I am by no means a homophobe, i love the kids HOWEVER i am terrified of encountering "down low brothers" & the only thing going through my mind right now is - he secretly Nair's his man-gina. At this point he's rambling about God knows what, i am the least bit interested all i want to know is wtf do you need Nair for?

The night continues and he ends up getting up to take a shower, all the while im still thinking about this Nair fiasco not aware that im about to find out exactly what its used for. Im sitting on the couch, with my back to the bathroom. Next thing i know he's coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waste and what looks to be shaving cream on his legs, arms, and chest. Upon further inspection and the pungent odor of rotten eggs did i discover that it wasnt shaving cream, it was in fact Nair....i died...i stared...i died again. My eyes started to burn from the strong ass odor that i had to excuse myself and go out onto the porch to get sum fresh air. WTF just happened? i know this nigga didnt have Nair on his legs, arms, and chest? What kind of bitch shit? Is he on the down low? All these questions were going through my mind at this time. I guess i was outside a lil too long in the dead of winter that he came out to check on me. I said i was cool but was a lil tired so im going to head home, still unfazed my reactions he said okay.

I stopped talking to this guy for about two months. I ignored his phone calls & text messages, i was just too freaked out. I cud get over a man being a lil metrosexual but using Nair is a whole different ball game. Anyway one day i decided to answer one of his phone calls and made up a lie about me being too busy blah blah blah to make a long story short he basically started telling me how he was getting into body building and how his life has been real hectic lately with the training and everything. The subject was kinda intriguing so i began to ask questions like: how do you train? what do you eat? etc. So we get on the topic of getting prepared the night b4 a show and he revealed that ideally you do not want any hair on your body bc #1 it adds on to ur weight & it just looks better to be oily and hairless. So he has to shave his ENTIRE body. Arms, legs, chest, back, ass, & yes the pubs too which explains the Nair, i guess. i felt a lil better but it still weirded me out. He said he cant shave certain parts of his body bc he breaks out thats why he uses the Nair *wipes sweat off forehead* wheew what a relief, so he's not on the down low after all. THE END!

no shade...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

You ARE the Father!!!


Banshee Bait!!

Yes this is child star Sammie and YES he is all grown up now. At 23 he is legal bait>>>GO AWFFFFFFFFF! SMH the things i wud do to him *checks panties* lmao

Anyway, dont forget to download his up & coming mixtape entitled "Its Just a Mixtape" which will be released for download Tuesday, June 22!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chinese Slippers aka "Dirty Girls"

Im tired of seeing bitchez in Apple Bottom jean sets, Baby Phat prom shoes, & a Gucci bag....


Something is seriously wrong with that picture. Deception times a billi. Nothing pisses me off more than a fake bag especially when some of us actually purchase real ones, its like a slap in the face. The counterfeit handbag market is a billion dollar a year industry, and you can thank your local hoodrat for this.

I call these trolls chinese slippers bc they are an abomination to our society. U ever noticed how only the dirty girls in your hood wore chinese slippers, they had one to match every outfit. For $2 u can get them bedazzled and everything. And they definitely got their moneys worth too bc in 2 days the sole wud be worn down to the ground, causing the back of chicks' heals to collect dirt and shit. The only thing separating their heals from the ground was a thin piece of styrofoam which then creates what i like to call "the dirty girl shuffle." The dragging sound of chinese slippers has to be close to death. BITCH PICK UP UR DIRTY ASS FEET. Like why would you wanna bring attention to ur trolloping ass; your jeans dont have back pockets, our name belts is missing rhinestones, and you smell like weave glue, beat it. If u ever meet a girl and her heals & ankles are black as shit & she has dried up black gel on her ears she wears chinese slippers and she shud be euthanized immediately.

no shade...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Black & Ugly as Ever: The Curse of the Darkskin Banshee!

First and foremost let me just say that i dont hate darkskin ppl afterall without them this great country wouldnt be what it is today. They paved the roads, picked cotton, and got the shit beat out of them while us lightskin ppl chilled in massa's house sippin on ice cold lemonade. I dont understand why darkskin ppl hate lightskin ppl so much, its not our fault that God made us this way. Darkskin ppl complain that lightskin ppl are stuck up and bougie but they are the reason we're this way. After a while if u continue to hear the "oh she think she cute" comment ur gonna start believing it. If darkskin trolls wudnt give us so much attention we wudnt be bougie. DS bitches are always the loud, ghetto birds poppin the most shit. Hell yea i think im better than that. They envy LS chicks bc we're unfaded by their antics. In the mall their the ones hanging around with their troll friends with bags from Charlotte Ruse, Wet Seal, & Barefeet; 5 bitchez on one Aunt Annie's pretzel= hungry & MAD, looking for somebody to blame for their misfortunes. You go to the club and its the same story. Instead of partying and having a good time, they're worried about the next bitch. Mean muggin the shit outta me. Its not that im intentionally swinging my real hair in ur face, it just be's like that sometimes. Dont be mad bc ur quick weave is sweated out exposing ur tardy for the party edges #YOUMADSTAYMAD. DS bitchez are always the ones with uggs on in the club, hounding the photographer to sponsor their photo shoots, sick of it. If you wanna call me stuck up bc i rather STFD then sweat my hair out so be it.

Lets be real, darkskin ppl are banshee as hell. Anytime there is an altercation u can bet ur bottom dollar a darkie is involved. 99.9% of the coonish shit on are done by darksin ppl (minus Kat Stacks). And the dumb shit Ron Artest said during his interview confirms that darkskin ppl are also very unstable. Darkskin ppl are naturally angry and bitter as hell. They're mad at the world. They have angry man syndrome 24/7, 365 - TELL UM WHY U MAD SON!! But i dont blame them tho, look who they have as role models: Mike Tyson, Eddie Murphy, Kanye West, Dave Chappelle, Tiger Woods, etc. all angry unstable darkies.

Darkskin niggaz kill me the most tho. They try to bag all the LS chicks in the club but to no avail, they get turned down and the next thing u kno their shooting up the club all bc sum LS chick wudnt give him her number smh just angry as hell. A LS nigga rarely shoots up a club, he's happy with his situation, he's pretty as hell and damn sure is not gonna risk getting a scuff on his gucci shoes. DS guys just dont give a fuck. Their breath always smells like henny and weed and their always smoking those stinking ass black and milds. I understand ur plight darkskin ppl. U've been called black, ugly, and dirty since quarter waters and now & laters; "U G L Y u aint got no alibi" is yall national anthem. How many times have yall heard the "you're so black" jokes. You know how they go: you're so black during night school the teacher counted you absent or you're so black every time you get into the car the oil light comes on or you're so black you bleed smoke, u catch my drift. But what makes it so bad is that yall dont have to just worry about being black but somehow ugly and dirty are synonyms to black, damn yall are all fucked up, no wonder yall are so damn angry. Yall are looking for a scapegoat and since white ppl dont give a fuck yall choose to hate ur own race, lightskin ppl. At the end of the day yall are not fooling anyone. DS ppl secretly want to be lightskin thats why DS chicks only date lightskin guys and DS guys only date lightskin girls, they want their kids to come out lightskin, the end. And lets not forget about the darkies that bleach their skin in order to obtain a lighter skin tone but thats a totally different story.

I just have one question: why are darkskin ppl always so damn greasy? Them muthafuckaz be looking like they got attacked by fish grease. Thats why in elementrary school u never wanted to sit next to the DS kid bc they always smelled like fried chicken. I never met a darkskin person that didnt take two hours to bathe their entire body in coco butter. I call all darkskin ppl "black gel" bc just how that black gel be leaving stains all on bitchez ears and collars and shit, DS ppl leave grease stains wherever they go. And if that aint enough they always got on the brightest of colors. Fluorescent orange, lime green, hot pink, neon yellow is not ur color boo & neither is animal print, ole Coming to America ass. And it seems like darkskin ppl get even more tacky as they get older. If i see another darkskin old head in a swishy track suit and church shoes imma go crazy.

Shoutout to Barack Obama, our lightskin president...#thatisall


no shade....

***DISCLAIMER*** Fuck you if your offended by this, its satire...get ur panties out of a bunch sheesh!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wild Banshee of the Day


no comment

Whoever thought a sumo wrestler cud ride a ninja

no shade...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

"Whose panties are these?"

Have you ever been at a guy's crib, whether he's your boyfriend or jumpoff, and you stumble upon an article of clothing or item that isn't yours? (Yea, we've all been there so stop fronting.) Woman are naturally quizzical or just plain nosey. Sometimes you stumble upon the unknown by mistake but most of the times you went snooping and found exactly what you were looking for. By all means SNOOP but snoop at your own risk. If you cannnot handle what you find, dont even play yourself bc it gets hot in the kitchen. Even if he's not your "man" i say you still have a right to invade his privacy, you just need to know what your getting yourself into. Its sort of like running a background check without his permission. Now i've rummaged through a few drawers and closets in my days and 9 times out of 10 i find exactly what im looking for. And what exactly is that? Evidence of another chick smh now dont get it twisted these guys were far from having that boyfriend title but still i felt like i was entitled to this information bc they were pursuing me. However, there is one thing i will not look in unless its a life or death situation and that is his phone. I dont want anybody searching through my phone so i'll give him the same respect, even though phones are where the most incriminating evidence is stored; i just refuse to cross that imaginary line of "trust".

I remember i was dating this guy back during my freshmen year in college. We were living in the dorms (*sigh* good ole dorm life) and he use to leave me in his room while he went to class sometimes. During one of those times i took it upon myself to do a room inspection, i swear i wud put the MTV show Room Raiders to shame. Anyway, i found odee shit: a bathing suit top under the bed, sum grandma draws in his top draw, sum letters from bitchez, and sum pictures of him and his ex. Hmmmmm. I was only talking to him for about a month now, we were far from serious, i didnt feel any type of way about these items but i still was skeptical. Was this boy a cross dresser? lol c'mon now what chick is gonna leave a bathing suit top under the bed and unless he was fucking Precious i dont understand the grandma drawer lol naw but seriously these discoveries tell u a lot about the person your dealing with. Chances are he's still hung up on his ex if he keeps her old letters and pictures in his top drawer. She could be a problem, & it wont come as a surprise now when she's calling ur phone blocked poppin shit about how they're still together or sending you facebook messages telling u to fallback smh this shit never gets old. NIGGAZ CONTROL UR BITCHEZ PLZ & THANX. Anyway, i never brought these discoveries to his attention, i didnt want him to think i was sum nosey, psycho, crazed stalker bitch. Needless to say, we ended up dating for about a year and his ex WAS a problem, i wish i wud have took heed then but shit happens and i charged it to the game.

But seriously what if you found another woman's underwear underneath ur man's bed? [insert episode of Snapped here] HELL MUTHAFUCKING NO! & when you ask him about it, his answer is always "those are yours." Yea right muthafucka, im a size 6 and clearly these are Monique's draws. Guys and their excuses kill me. Instead of manning up and owning up to their indiscretions they rather lie lie lie and then lie about a lie verses telling the truth smh. But im a firm believer that what is done in the dark surely comes to light eventually.

Dont get me wrong chicks are slick too and will plant something as small as a bobby pin at a guy's crib just so the main chick can find it. I definitely peeped game cuz i find myself leaving random shit around "his" crib all the time, im marking my territory and i wish another bitch wud. This can also be helpful in bringing a cheating man to his knees. One of my friends was dealing with this guy and she received facebook message one day from a chick who was also claiming to be his girlfriend. They ended up having a grown woman conversation about his cheating ways and came up with a solution, they was gonna set his ass up. They decided that the other chick was gonna leave sum black lace panties under his mattress during her next visit to his crib, this way he cud not deny anything. Anyway the chick did as was discussed and two days later my friend went over his crib and discovered the lace draws and confronted the guy about it. Of course he lied and said they were hers but my friend quickly busted his bubble and told her about her previous conversation with Melanie, he was caught. They both ended up fleeing him, supposedly.

At the end of the day if your constantly snooping through ur man's things there is a problem. You either dont trust him bc of ur insecurities or you dont trust him bc of his past indiscretions, either way is a recipe for disaster and you two probably should not be together. Trust is key in any relationship and lack of will be detrimental so before u take that step to invade your man's privacy ask yourself is it all worth it? if u decide to go through with it just know that there is no turning back and whatever u discover will effect your relationship.

no shade...

The Ex-Files

We've all ran into an ex before and one of two reactions occur: (1) "DAMN he/she looks good!!!" and (2) "DAMN *blank stare*, wtf was i thinking??" Unfortunately the first one is never the case for me. I always run into an ex and they're looking fresh off the spin cycle WASHED, which makes me feel good as shit considering the bullshit we went through. Seeing an ex looking not as good as they looked when u guys were together gives you a sense of accomplishment, like you were the cause of his/her downfall, especially if the breakup was messy. You feel like they let themselves go once you left them, even if this isnt the case it still makes you feel good, well at least it makes me do. So i ran into an ex recently on facebook and this is what he looked like....


What and the Holiday's Heart? No seriously WTF WAS I THINKING?? This nigga has on a hair bonnet smh i cant. This does not make me feel good at all. All im thinking about is was he wearing girl shit while we were together.? Did he sneak and smell my underwear while i wasnt looking?? Did he secretly put my bra and panties on and walk around?? This is sum Jerry Springer shit that i want no parts of. I have no clue what possessed this "man" to look like this but whatever it is i hope there's a cure.

no shade...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

True Life: I've Been Text Stalked :-/

Well not that disturbing but close. What makes you think you can bombard my phone with your annoying ass, desperate text messages?? Its sad, especially since they all come from dudes smh who knew guys could be so pathetic. If i dont respond to your 10th consecutive message what makes you think im gonna respond to the 25th? Im clearly ignoring you, what dont you get? Sometimes when im bored i might respond, which is a very bad idea, this only gives the stalker more fuel to further pester the shit out of you. I swear one time my phone just turned off bc i just kept getting these text messages from this thirsty muthafucka smh nigga kilt my battery like shit. This nigga could deadass read my mind, he would be responding to my text message before i even sent it, now thats fucking scary, needless to say i cursed that bitch out and told him to seek help ASAP!

Now i have mastered the art of exposing muthafuckas so its only right that i expose sum aggressive texters. S/O to Capture It for allowing me to take screenshots on my blackberry.

Meet Mike, i dont know this man from can of paint...i gave him my number in the mall just so he wud leave me the fuck alone BAD IDEA, i didnt expect him to get all emotional and shit through a fucking text message. He was pretty much having a conversation with himself bc i never responded, i wanted no parts of him & his stalker antics...borderline stalker-YES!

Meet Hector, his number is not saved in my phone bc he texts me from different numbers every other day, i guess he calls himself trying to sike me out-WRONG if anything it just made me ignore him further. I've known this guy for about a year now and he is the epitome of an aggressive texter. It doesnt seem to phase him that for a year straight i barely respond to him, day in and day out he still continues to text me like i didnt ignore him the other 265 times smh he blows my natural high on the daily

Lastly, meet Julian, he would have to be the most annoying of them all. I met Julian a few months ago and he has been bugging the shit out of me ever since. I only seen him once since our first encounter but he acted like we've been a couple for years when he seen me, trying to hold my hand, being overly touchy feely, and making sexual comments which is a turn off. He is way too aggressive in general which only aggravates me more. What also makes it so bad is that i gave him an alias, i never thought i could get tired of hearing a name that wasnt even mine but my gosh i wish i wud have gave him a different name now, oh well.

Text stalking is annoying as shit, fall the hell back and chill...give the person a second to respond b4 ur blowing their phone up once again & remember if you are constantly texting somebody without getting a response, you are not having a conversation you are STALKING

no shade...

Banshee Books

I am a African American fiction aka "hood books" junkie. I read a new book every 3 days, YES its that serious. Here are a few of my latest reads that are a must read:

Halloween in June...

Contestant(s) #1

Contestant #2

Contestant(s) #3

Contestant #4

Contestant #5


In leu of prom season i have decided to highlight some ratchet shit, wtf is really good?? Prom has turned into halloween...which troll can look the most dreadful is the competition, who do you think won?

Imma have to go with the pregnant banshee with the shag known as contestant #4 smh Lord only knows what possessed this troll to cut a hole in a communion tablecloth and pass it off as a dress...i dont want that wine

Wait....contestant #5 is most definitely the runner-up...lmaooo this bitch looks like a whale with mermaid ppl i know we're efficient by nature but we have to do better, this is unacceptable

no shade...



If this doesnt confirm to you that Drake is a FLAMIN FAGGOT
i dont kno what would

My only question is: is he a bottom or a top?

Yea imma go with a bottom

This might even be his boyfriend since he's on Nicki Minaj's dick so hard

no shade...

"She cant take no dick!"

Noooo maybe u just dont kno how to give dick...the last time i checked sex is suppose to be an enjoyable, pleasurable experience, it shouldn't feel like my pussy is being bludgeoned with a metal should NOT be painful...pain is pleasure YES but if it gets to the point where im screaming out of agony rather than cries of bliss, there's a problem...a nigga should not be trying to beat the pussy up until its swollen and the chick can barely walk, that is not a good look, and sorry to bust your bubble but ur pipe game is WEAK...the last time i checked we weren't fucking rabbits, so ease up & slow the fuck down...every girl who's not a whore wants you to make love to the pussy...long, deep strokes always does the trick...gets her nice and moist, and turned the fuck me when i say that a nigga who can dance in the pussy and is not just concerned with "beating it up" wins every time....i absolutely HATE fast, short strokes, that shit is pointless, and it doesn't feel good, shit feels like im in a raggedy ass roller-coaster...niggas who do that shit are just as pointless and usually dont know wtf their doing, they think that shit is effective but all the chick is thinking about is when the fuck is this shit going to be over fucking gosh, watch sum fucking pornos or sum shit, i cant...instead of compromising and reflecting on what he's doing wrong its automatically the girl's fault & she cant take no dick, nooooo she just cant take your weak ass dick, carry on.

The problem is niggaz really only think about themselves when it comes to sex...he wants you to do whatever it takes to get his dick hard but the chick is expected to get wet on demand, like that shit is natural or something, NO U DUMB FUCK she must be stimulated smh fucking idiot, & the next thing he's doing is shoving his hard ass dick into your semi-dry pussy and expects you to take the dick, all of it too smh im sick of it...& he can talk all that "im trying to please you" bullshit but at the end of the day he's just another squirrel trying to get a nut, well not on my time...if i feel like your about to bust prematurely, meaning i haven't came yet, i will shove you the fuck off of me, HOW DARE YOU? No boo boo your sadly mistaken if you think im gonna allow you to cum after 20 strokes, roll over, & fall asleep, i will strangle u in your sleep b4 i allow that to happen...and i dont give a fuck, if you cant make me cum with your dick you betta get to eating, sucking, licking, whatever you have to do...niggaz dont kno how that shit feels, how about i put a strap-on on and see if you can take the dick......

no shade...

Craig & em...

Niggaz and there fucking bromances kill me....they rather chill with "Craig & em" than spend QT with their girl, thats fucking gay...i am by no means a needy broad but a lil attention is always nice...fuck around and she will be on to the next one *cues "Does He Do it"*....while your laying it down the next man will be beating it up #yaheard! So wise up fellas, if she means anything to you say fuck Craig and spend sum fucking time with her, my gosh it isn't rocket science...and having sex is not quality time retard, i mean real time, when yall sit & talk, get to know each other more, make her fall in love with you all over again, after all good sex will get her attention but it wont keep it #believedat, I swear i should teach a class for incompetent males...

The last time i checked Craig didn't have a pussy so he cant be all that interesting...well unless your a booty thats a different story...if your dude is spending a little too much time with Craig red flags should immediately go up, that nigga is a straight down low queen & u betta get ghost...this reminds me of a Jerry Springer episode smh oh Jerry...

no shade...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Mike Tyson: The Coon of all Coons Mixtape Coming Soon!!

"I'll fuck you till you love me faggot!!"


no shade...

The Black Barbie vs. The Harajuku Barbie

The latest so called "beef" in hip hop revolves around two talented female mcees, Lil Kim & Nicki Minaj. One a vet in the game, the other a newbie. As you can see from the above photo these two have similar styles, in fact some go as far to say that Nicki stole Kim's swag and is doing something she did back in '96. While Nicki is choosing to take the high road and not speak on any of these accusations nor acknowledge that her and Kim actually have beef. Kim on the other hand has on numerous occasions and very publicly stated that she demands that Nicki pay her homage. Her argument is that she paved the way for her & she clearly admires her style so therefore its only right to pay homage out of respect as she has done for ladies who came before her, i.e MC Lyte and Salt & Pepper. In short, she wants Nicki to kiss her pussy and say "i love you Kim, your the best...i admire you, and i want to be just like you!" But is this really necessary? We all know Kim is the originator, its apparent in the similarities in these pictures that Nicki admires Kim but publicly stating the obvious is taking it a little bit too far. I believe Kim only wants this acknowledgment to boost her already bruised ego, she craves relevance and is willing to do whatever to achieve that. She's a desperate bitch, but wouldn't you be too, considering?? Lets be real, the last "hit" Kim had was "Put Your Lighters Up" and the hype was only fueled by her anticipated prison sentence.

But my question is: why cant female mcees co-exist? Why does it have to be either or? Your either a Kim fan or a Nicki fan which is bullshit, i appreciate both these ladies' music and considering that hip hop is a male dominated arena the few females that are in the game should band together and leave all the frivolous bullshit to the birds.

*cues "Lady's Night"*

That was a classic song. It gave women a sense of empowerment, sisterhood, & independence. It showed that women, black women can come together, leave the bullshit at the door, and talk about something other than broke niggaz & deadbeat dads.

Hip hop is all about variety. There are so many different styles that hip hop encompasses, its not mutually exclusive to just one sound, which wud be boring if this was the case. Just imagine if there were only two maybe three male hip hop artist out right now, how boring and sad wud that be?? Well thats the female rap game, SAD. Instead of focusing on what the next bitch is doing you should be focusing on your grind. Dont fault another chick because she's doing something right while your yesterday's news. No shade to Kim but honey you need to get it together. I heard she signed to Roc Nation which is great, i hope she pulls out some fire without the autotune bullshit ughhh dread. I wish she wud get over all this paying homage shit bc all she is doing is giving Nicki more publicity. Like Drake said, Kim is an OG in the game and this shit is so beneath her, bad bitches dont demand anything, it comes natural. Dont get me wrong Nicki has sum faults to & her stylist needs to be shot for straight up jacking EVERYTHING Kim did, and it wasnt subtle either. But at the end of the day thats petty, let the music speak for itself, & besides Kim looks like Count Dracula these days so i doubt Nicki is worrying about her now...GAG

no shade...

Banshee Beats

Today's New Music

My only question is WHY THE FUCK IS CHRIS BROWN STILL CRYING OVER RIHANNA?? Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get the fuck over it already....she has moved on and has sum new penis on deck...MY GOSH pull ur skirt back down Chris, your better than this smh i predict he will be fully strung out on crack by December, sucking dick for tracks, the whole 9, mark my words.

no shade...

Wild Banshee of the Day


no shade...

Charge it to the Game!

How many times have you heard this phrase? You went to Atlantic City and gambled all your rent money - charge it to the game.....i fucked my money up now i cant re-up - charge it to the game...speeding ticket - charge it to the caught cheating - charge it to the ARE the father - charge it to the game. Some things you cant control and cant particular blame anyone but yourself for your carelessness or negligence so your forced to bill it to the game. You got GOT or swindled, somebody pulled the wool over your eyes and you got caught slipping, its nobody's fault but yours so stop getting mad and searching for somebody to blame when your the culprit.

Since the beginning of time men have been getting over on females, now its time for sum payback. How often does a man impregnate a chick then leave her ass high & dry. She's left taking care of a child alone, with no help from the person who is part responsible for her current situation. Or how about the guy that leads a chick on to believe that she's the only one, when in fact he has a wife and kids that she knew nothing about. Lets talk about the guy who pursues a chick, makes her fall hard for him, only for him to get the pussy then skate. CHARGE IT TO THE GAME right? Well why when guys are placed in similar situations this is not the case. They bitch a moan about how its not fair or justified. We didn't make the rules so charge it to the game.

Kelis got Nas for a ridiculous amount of money from the divorce and niggas went ballistic. Tiger Wood's wife Ellen is demanding 750 MILLION DOLLARS damnnnnnnnnnn oh well, homie shud have thought about that b4 he started smashing every Becky with a pulse smh charge it to the game.

Of course there are less extreme cases that happen everyday and don't make the front page of any magazine. One of my good friends was telling me a story yesterday about how she meet this guy, they went out a couple of times, he was cool but she wasnt really into him like that, in other words he was UGLY AS HELL lol anyway, she was saying how he invited her over his house the other day and as soon as she entered his house he was all over her. My friend is by no means a whore so she was taken back considering that they barely knew each other but she goes on to say the next thing she knew he was eating her pussy O_o.........

Let me pause for a second and just say, this man deserves to contract an incurable std, thats just nasty, u dont go around eating a stranger's pussy, i dont care what u expected to get in return ughhh....anyway back to the apparently after he was done feasting he took it upon himself to proceed to get a condom and undress, my friend goes on to say she immediately stopped him and was like "hold up its not going down", he pleaded for a while, u kno the same ole story "c'mon baby....relax...dont be like that' my friend was persistent and adamant about not sleeping with this troll. She says that after he exhausted all effort and came to terms that he wasnt getting any pussy he immediately got angry, he talked some bullshit, and she told him to take her home but instead he dropped her off at the nearest gas station & said it was nice meeting her and skated, my friend had to end up calling someone to come pick her up.

SMMFH charge it to the muthafucking game homie, bc you LOSE. Why are you mad, u took it upon yourself to eat the box, she didn't ask, beg, or plead for you to do it. Maybe if niggaz weren't so desperate and impatient pussy would come to them a lot easier. She got her pussy eaten which was somewhat good(she gave him a 7 out of 10) and you got nothing but a wet chin in return. Niggaz kill me, they do the same shit, bust a nut and be up, not caring about satisfying the female nor her feelings. What makes them think that they are exempt from the rule? Double standards are bullshit and those who live by them often find themselves burnt LITERALLY!

no shade....

I use to be scared of the d*ck now i throw lips to the sh*t....

Handle it like a real bitch OWWWWWWW!!! Big ups to the Queen B for that classic line. It seems that more and more women, black women in particular have jumped on the Becky bandwagon, which is cool bc like they say, what u wont do the next thirsty bitch will #believedat. However what im concerned about is the fact that a lot of bitches are giving head as a substitute for having sex. What i mean is that a bitch would rather suck a dick than take sum dick.

The last time i checked you had to pass Sex 101 to even get to Head 101, its a prerequisite, but bitches have changed the game apparently. If your giving up the head first he has nothing to look forward to, in his mind hes like "damn i got head the first time, i didnt even have to eat her pussy or fuck, thats wassup", and he wont come back. Dont get it twisted head is a treat, an appetizer and by no means should eliminate sex.

And let me clarify, im not talking about a chick whos in a relationship and she blesses her man with toe curling head from time to time without expecting sex, just to please her man, thats a given and a MUST if u want to keep ur man around but no no no im referring to "one-night-stands", flings, friends with benefits, groupie love etc. These chicks are doing this act with somewhat random guys who they are not in a committed relationship with, which is appalling considering the fact that more often than not condoms are not incorporated in oral sex. Just the thought of oral herpes makes me cringe. How stupid can these women be?

But to their defense they believe that giving head does not count towards their overall "number." You know what that "number" represents--the number of sexual partners--but i think it does. Just bc he did not penetrate your kitty does not mean he did not enter you, oral sex is in fact sex smh wise up bitches. And all of this is done to preserve their image or reputation, however if i was a guy and a bitch gave me head first, without expecting sex, i would automatically assume she was a whore and did this all the time. Lets be real, guys dont give a fuck about how many ppl u sleep with all they care about is if your gonna let them smash or not. If this is the first date and you already have his penis in your mouth, him thinking about wife'n you is far from his mind honey, in fact he's prolly thinking about how he cant wait to tell his homies how much of a jump you are and try to put them D.

So my advice to u bitches is this: if your gonna be a whore, be a smart whore, and definitely dont give up the goods unless he's lacing you in someway, either money or sex will do, bc at the end of the day, how are you benefiting from this??

no shade...

Thursday, June 10, 2010


This inebriating concoction is called "liquid cocaine" YES its that serious. I've conquered a few of these in my days and the outcome wasn't pretty, most of the time i ended up passed out on the bathroom floor, fully clothed, but i'll save my drunken episodes for another post. Anyway, there are a lot of different variations to this drink, here are a few:

1/2 oz silver tequila
1/2 oz vodka
1/2 oz gin
1/2 oz light rum
1/2 oz Everclear® alcohol

However this post is not about the drink liquid cocaine but an act entitled as such. Surfing the web for this particular drink recipe i ran across a lewd act called liquid cocaine(most likely created my white ppl smh) anyway according to "liquid cocaine" is the act of busting a nut up a chick's(or dude's) nose hence "liquid cocaine"....WAITWHAT? thefuck i want u ejaculating ur nasty ass sperm up my nose for, what exactly is the pleasure in that? Bust in my nose then im making that shit come out my mouth and land on ur top lip...GTFOH im done, white ppl u kill me

no shade...