Wednesday, June 1, 2011


It's been a while, and after a ten month hiatus, we have to decided to revive The Wild Banshee. We've all been on twitter actively and are noticing some things that need to be addressed. While we will continue to mix in our ratchetness, but we will focus on doing our part to try and better our women. Who knows, maybe even make some of you lonely, bitter ladies might turn your life around and get a man. We here at The Wild Banshee would like to give women an outlet to defend ourselves and also, correct ourselves on some of the things we shouldn't be doing. So, hold on for the second time around...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wild Banshee Of The Day

Chicks have now resorted to prostituting on twitter. Yes! Twitter! Today's contestant of the day is: @718DEEP_THROATA. Now I do not judge people on how they go about making their money. To each its own. Me personally, I prefer getting a real J-O-B with benefits. Not sucking and fucking to make a quick buck. What shocked me is her prices: $40 for head. $60 for sex. $80 for anal. O_o That's your worth? I understand that its a recession, but DAMN! Do better.

Her defense on the matter: "
Confused at silly bitches who fuck for free MAD AT ME CUZ I CHARGE A LIL FEE. stupid u could too dummy!" Its a huge difference between prostituting yourself and having sex with your significant other. At the end of the day sex is never really for free. Men have to wine and dine us. Dates, gifts, shopping sprees, etc. Even after marriage: house, cars, jewelry, bills, etc. So her defense is null and void. I hope she gets it together before she ends up beat or even worse dead. There are so many fake profiles on twitter and people who steal pics smh. She'll think she's about to meet up with a cutie from BK, and ends up meeting the neighborhood serial killer O_o.

UPDATE: Since last night her account has been suspended by twitter. I knew it would since prostitution is illegal! I would post her website but we will not get shut down because of some internet whore lol.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


"walk about 10-15miles on the highway and I bet you won't be strutin' dat ass.."

And they think that white people can't act just as ignorant as black people..smh

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ratchet Hoe Shit

Our damn education system has failed the youth!

This chick is nutty as hell. I refuse to believe that she has any...ANY fucking common sense. Jesus please be a Silvan Learning Center, because this child needs to reevaluate her whole existence. She has lost in life.

I can't even come up with the words...

When I see her in a headline or see a WSHH video about her, I just hang my head and pray that whatever water this chick is sipping on, stays on the west coast.

She has pissed me off.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

THE LISTS!!!!!!!!????.....

So today twitter was buzzing  about some lists. what was funny about it was that girls put it together talking about guys. Oh boy did they have pussy fits to make sure they wasn't on the lists. You see when they blast females its OK but when its their time the queens come out. The lists consist of small penis,devouring the ass and vagina and the biggest smuts. I love fuckery but i will not participate so I'm not going to name names.

It was like making the list for some event but you did not want your name appearing on it. I read the list and SMH WTF was up when was it ever acceptable to top chef every and anyones' ass and coochie. These are the same niggas that meet you the first and want to tongue you down (another post and story) ewwwwwwww NO!!!!!!!!! Niggas was having mental breakdown over these lists like my dude don't participate in hoetry and ratchetness and you wont be on blast.

Any female that added her 2cents to the list should be ashamed of herself cause alot of people recognized names and messed with people off the lists. i forwarded around to a few people and I am hoping no dodo head thinks i contributed on that list cause people don't read they skim stuff and jump to conclusion. These females and males are too ratchet to grasp or understand them.

SN: I reviewed the list and is going to be on the look for the trifling men cause they were alot from Harlem,Queens and Brooklyn so you already know you are bound to meet them @ a party,on fb, on twitter or a hood gathering.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Next Contestant on the Wild Banshee Screen!

sigh...I should have done this a long time ago but i decided to give dude the benefit of the doubt, until this...

WTF grown ass man puts a smiley face on somebody's facebook wall for the entire world to see? A bitchass one thats who. This right here nigga, in my best Kat Williams' voice, is thirsty at its finest. On a scale from 1 to Chris Brown, how desperate are you?[no shade Breezy] Brace yourself there's more...

Who the fuck are you? Noseriously, im thumbing through my mental rolodex trying to put a face to the thirstiness and im coming up empty. I would have to know you to forget about you...I DONT KNO YOU MAN go that way =====>[in my best Big Pun voice] Let me just say this, just bc we are "friends" on facebook does not mean i know you, want to get to know you, or give a fuck about you. Get it, got it, GOOD, now leave me the fuck alone. I definitely saved the best for last...

This shit is truly absurd. Im extremely saddened by this display of bitchness. Who the fuck does this shit?? #1 your desperate, #2 your desperate, & #3 your FUCKING DESPERATE!!!! Something is sincerely wrong with you sir, i suggest you check yourself into a mental asylum ASAPINGTON, your a danger to society. How out of touch with reality do you have to be to see that im clearly, purposely, intentionally, without a doubt IGNORING your retarded ass??

smh im done

From Real Fish to Fem Queen...

Is this what the girls are doing these days???... Impersonating drag queens??? I just can't!

Girllll, you look like a mix between a character from Hairspray and girl out of a Hot Boyz video...(are those gold caps???)