Monday, August 16, 2010

The Next Contestant on the Wild Banshee Screen!

sigh...I should have done this a long time ago but i decided to give dude the benefit of the doubt, until this...

WTF grown ass man puts a smiley face on somebody's facebook wall for the entire world to see? A bitchass one thats who. This right here nigga, in my best Kat Williams' voice, is thirsty at its finest. On a scale from 1 to Chris Brown, how desperate are you?[no shade Breezy] Brace yourself there's more...

Who the fuck are you? Noseriously, im thumbing through my mental rolodex trying to put a face to the thirstiness and im coming up empty. I would have to know you to forget about you...I DONT KNO YOU MAN go that way =====>[in my best Big Pun voice] Let me just say this, just bc we are "friends" on facebook does not mean i know you, want to get to know you, or give a fuck about you. Get it, got it, GOOD, now leave me the fuck alone. I definitely saved the best for last...

This shit is truly absurd. Im extremely saddened by this display of bitchness. Who the fuck does this shit?? #1 your desperate, #2 your desperate, & #3 your FUCKING DESPERATE!!!! Something is sincerely wrong with you sir, i suggest you check yourself into a mental asylum ASAPINGTON, your a danger to society. How out of touch with reality do you have to be to see that im clearly, purposely, intentionally, without a doubt IGNORING your retarded ass??

smh im done

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