Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Art of Seduction....

"Low self-esteem repels, confidence and self-sufficiency attract. The less you seem to need other people, the more likely others will be drawn to you. Understand the importance of this in all relationships and you will find your neediness easier to suppress. But do not confuse self-absorption with seductive narcissism. Talking endlessly about yourself is eminently anti-seductive, revealing not self-sufficiency but insecurity." -Robert Greene "The Art of Seduction"
Everyone, at some point, seduces another.

Everyone, at some point, is an object of seduction.

The trick is, in either role, to savour the moment.

I ended up reading "The Art of Seduction" by Robert Greene about two years ago. I loved "48 Laws of Power" so I absolutely had to read this book, and it turned out that this book was even better than the first. It is littered with anecdotes of historical figures who engaged in the act of seduction or were seduced, from Cleopatra to Casanova. After reading it one is equipped with the knowledge to perhaps become a skilled seducer. Overall, this book is great if you like learning, are interested in psychology, and want to develop a mastery of romantic social interaction. However, Greene doesn't specifically point out how you can seduce someone you already know so i decided map that out...

The key is getting the person to see you in a new light:

Step 1. Put distance between you and your 'target'. Don't tell him/her you're distancing yourself, just do it! If your friend likes you they WILL miss you. If they threw the "Let's be friends" card out and doesn't care for you at all, they'll still feel your absence because your loss of interest will wound their ego--that's important.

Step 2. Be different. Alter your appearance, make friends with new types of people, sculpt your body, develop new interests, and date as many people as you can. Try to date only those who are at least as attractive as your target, otherwise they'll look down on you.

Step 3. Reintroduce yourself to your target. Don't approach them directly. It's important that they now come to you. If you haven't talked to him/her in a while, they may have forgotten about you. That's not necessarily a bad thing--maybe the old you was forgettable. But it's a good idea to have maintained an indirect connection with your guy/girl. Maybe you are an aquaintance of one of their friends. Chat with that person occasionally (Don't mention the friend you'll be seducing!) and that person will probably give your target updates about you. Or maybe you work in the same office or have the same circle of friends. In that case, they can witness changes in you first hand. Remember, however, that if you have to see your target regularly it is all the more important to maintain an emotional distance until you're ready for the seduction to really begin. If they suspects that you're improving yourself for him/her or that you're trying to make them jealous, all your hard work will be destroyed.

Now you can reintroduce yourself in one of several ways:
a) Haunt/stalk him/her periphery by attending the places he/she attends without taking much notice of them, making them come to you.
b) Play the "coquette," seeming interested then disinterested, interested then disinterested.
c) arrange a "chance" meeting. I like this one.
d) befriend or date a friend of theirs[side eye, this can get messy].

Once they start to think they didn't know you as well as they thought they did and displays a little interest in the new you, you can start over again and use the tactics outlined in Greene's book.[yea you gotta read the book, you didnt think i would give u all the secrets, did you? lol]

At the end of the day you can't seduce everyone, but I find that whether you suceed or fail usually depends on your observation skills and on how well you implement the tactics. You have to be innovative. No one book can tell you how to seduce every single person in every single situation. Seduction is all about manipulation & deception, feelings can get hurt so proceed with caution.

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