Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Coon Hour!

smh oh Philly

On this episode of The Coon Hour we have Philly's Finest [hint of sarcasm] who made a video highlighting their favorite coon beverage - 4 LOKOS! There is something very disturbing about this video and it goes deeper than the obvious coonin, there aren't any chicks in this, if you remember my previous post about 4 lokos you wud remember that i pointed out if you wanna get gang banged and not remember anything this drink is for you, gonna add to that - if you wanna partake is homo relations and not remember anything this drink is for you also. Its clear as day, THESE COONS ARE PROMOTING AN UNDERGROUND GAY SEX TRADE OPERATION! There is no other explanation for having 30+ males in one video without any females, not even a crack head nodding off in a corner, and what makes it so bad, instead of using heroine or any other drug to lure their victims in they're targeting the hood by using 4 lokos to snag um HOOK, LINE, & SINKER! So you betta hide ya kids, hide ya wife, hide ya husbands cuz they rape'n errbody out here - now RUNTELLDAT HOMEBOY!

no shade...

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