Friday, June 18, 2010

Black & Ugly as Ever: The Curse of the Darkskin Banshee!

First and foremost let me just say that i dont hate darkskin ppl afterall without them this great country wouldnt be what it is today. They paved the roads, picked cotton, and got the shit beat out of them while us lightskin ppl chilled in massa's house sippin on ice cold lemonade. I dont understand why darkskin ppl hate lightskin ppl so much, its not our fault that God made us this way. Darkskin ppl complain that lightskin ppl are stuck up and bougie but they are the reason we're this way. After a while if u continue to hear the "oh she think she cute" comment ur gonna start believing it. If darkskin trolls wudnt give us so much attention we wudnt be bougie. DS bitches are always the loud, ghetto birds poppin the most shit. Hell yea i think im better than that. They envy LS chicks bc we're unfaded by their antics. In the mall their the ones hanging around with their troll friends with bags from Charlotte Ruse, Wet Seal, & Barefeet; 5 bitchez on one Aunt Annie's pretzel= hungry & MAD, looking for somebody to blame for their misfortunes. You go to the club and its the same story. Instead of partying and having a good time, they're worried about the next bitch. Mean muggin the shit outta me. Its not that im intentionally swinging my real hair in ur face, it just be's like that sometimes. Dont be mad bc ur quick weave is sweated out exposing ur tardy for the party edges #YOUMADSTAYMAD. DS bitchez are always the ones with uggs on in the club, hounding the photographer to sponsor their photo shoots, sick of it. If you wanna call me stuck up bc i rather STFD then sweat my hair out so be it.

Lets be real, darkskin ppl are banshee as hell. Anytime there is an altercation u can bet ur bottom dollar a darkie is involved. 99.9% of the coonish shit on are done by darksin ppl (minus Kat Stacks). And the dumb shit Ron Artest said during his interview confirms that darkskin ppl are also very unstable. Darkskin ppl are naturally angry and bitter as hell. They're mad at the world. They have angry man syndrome 24/7, 365 - TELL UM WHY U MAD SON!! But i dont blame them tho, look who they have as role models: Mike Tyson, Eddie Murphy, Kanye West, Dave Chappelle, Tiger Woods, etc. all angry unstable darkies.

Darkskin niggaz kill me the most tho. They try to bag all the LS chicks in the club but to no avail, they get turned down and the next thing u kno their shooting up the club all bc sum LS chick wudnt give him her number smh just angry as hell. A LS nigga rarely shoots up a club, he's happy with his situation, he's pretty as hell and damn sure is not gonna risk getting a scuff on his gucci shoes. DS guys just dont give a fuck. Their breath always smells like henny and weed and their always smoking those stinking ass black and milds. I understand ur plight darkskin ppl. U've been called black, ugly, and dirty since quarter waters and now & laters; "U G L Y u aint got no alibi" is yall national anthem. How many times have yall heard the "you're so black" jokes. You know how they go: you're so black during night school the teacher counted you absent or you're so black every time you get into the car the oil light comes on or you're so black you bleed smoke, u catch my drift. But what makes it so bad is that yall dont have to just worry about being black but somehow ugly and dirty are synonyms to black, damn yall are all fucked up, no wonder yall are so damn angry. Yall are looking for a scapegoat and since white ppl dont give a fuck yall choose to hate ur own race, lightskin ppl. At the end of the day yall are not fooling anyone. DS ppl secretly want to be lightskin thats why DS chicks only date lightskin guys and DS guys only date lightskin girls, they want their kids to come out lightskin, the end. And lets not forget about the darkies that bleach their skin in order to obtain a lighter skin tone but thats a totally different story.

I just have one question: why are darkskin ppl always so damn greasy? Them muthafuckaz be looking like they got attacked by fish grease. Thats why in elementrary school u never wanted to sit next to the DS kid bc they always smelled like fried chicken. I never met a darkskin person that didnt take two hours to bathe their entire body in coco butter. I call all darkskin ppl "black gel" bc just how that black gel be leaving stains all on bitchez ears and collars and shit, DS ppl leave grease stains wherever they go. And if that aint enough they always got on the brightest of colors. Fluorescent orange, lime green, hot pink, neon yellow is not ur color boo & neither is animal print, ole Coming to America ass. And it seems like darkskin ppl get even more tacky as they get older. If i see another darkskin old head in a swishy track suit and church shoes imma go crazy.

Shoutout to Barack Obama, our lightskin president...#thatisall


no shade....

***DISCLAIMER*** Fuck you if your offended by this, its satire...get ur panties out of a bunch sheesh!

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