Monday, June 28, 2010

Applaud Him...


This man Chris Brown went the fuck off APPLAUD HIM!!!! There's no denying that this was the best performance of the night as well as the best MJ tribute hands down; this shit was long overdue. I always remained a fan of Breezy's even after all the trials and tribulations he faced and this goes to show that my support wasn't in vain; maybe now critics can stop riding his dick about that bullshit and respect him for the talented artist and survivor that he is. It takes incredible strength to go through what Chris did and still overcome and remain sane, many of us can not say the same. The first chance of adversities many would give up and drink or drug themselves into oblivion, temporarily removing the pain but permanently damaging their lives. Chris is a fighter and sincerely realizes the mistakes he's made and its about time we forgive him & understand that we're all human and NONE is short of sin.

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