Saturday, July 24, 2010


I do not know how true this piece of information is I'm going to share, but I am going to say this I do not put nothing past these crazy people and the world we live in. The bible can be interpreted in many ways  as you see alot of religion interpet the bible how they see fit. the paragraph below is an insert from a reader on Sandra Rose Blog she found the question on a forum.

I am a black male that God has given a special gift to. Like the Etoro tribesmen of New Guinea, I am 100% heterosexual but I have sex with other men for spiritual reasons. When I ejaculate in man’s rectum, I impart my spiritual essence and strength to this man. I’ve tried to explain this to the women I date but they accuse me of being either bisexual or homosexual. They don’t understand that this is a spiritual mission and does not make me any less heterosexual or good marriage material. I belong to the Temple of Black Masculinity, we are over 45,000 deep and we follow the writings of Prophet Masculinity that teaches us that this gift is sacred and should be honored, However, many of us find that women simply don’t appreciate or make an effort to understand. Do you have any advice on how we can make women better understand?


If any man pose any of this to me I am guaranteed to be sitting in somebody cell. This right here is some crazy shit and to have so much members if it is true. Ladies be careful there is alot of guys (trade) walking around that look heterosexual and is not do not ignore signs. Some of us will take anything just to have claim to a man for ourselves think of your life. There are too much STDs that are going around to just give your life up like that to another. When you have sex with someone you are offering your life carry a condom if you must times have change to hell with them thinking you are loose; and trust a visit to the clinic to be tested will be a first date requirement. These people are sleeping around like its the sixties without a care. Then you have crazy peolpe running aroung giving everything they can to unsuspecting people.

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