Wednesday, July 21, 2010

relationships and the internet.

The title pretty much says it all but here's my take on the whole relationship and internet mix.

We all at one point in time have fallen victim to the whole internet dating wave. Its easier and less stressful compared to other methods of dating. You pull up a random site, create a profile thats damn near as basic as a chickenhead on the corner, upload a picture and thats about it. However, ive found that once meeting a "potential", if you continue to have interaction with people on the net - problems can arise between the two of you.

For example, I personally have had this issue with the women that ive dated in the past. We were friends on multiple social websites, [ twitter, facebook, downelink, myspace ] so it pretty much didnt leave space for us to assume that the other was interested in someone else. Eventually, our perfect situation wasnt so perfect and we began arguing over little shit. ..little shit being the internet. Now normally, I could care less who flirts with the woman that im dating because the bitch is mine and if im doing my job, I have nothing to be woried about. With me being the natural flirt that I am, it leaves them constantly checking every status and tweet that I post to somewhat keep tabs on me. Oh no maam! Im grown and i'll do what whatever I want to do ESPECIALLY if im single.

So my question to everyone is this : how do you feel about relationships based from the internet and how do they affect you?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's like meeting someone in the club not many good can come from it..
